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Why Dancing is the Key To Fighting Aging!

Thursday, January 18, 2018 - by Euro-American Connections & Homecare
fight aging

Thanks to Curious Mind Magazine and neuroscientists around the world, a new study has shown that dancing can be the cure for slowing down the aging process! Before you get too excited, this is just one of the many ways that you can start fighting aging process, as dancing can give your body an amazing workout while simultaneously working your brain in amazing ways. But it definitely isn’t the only way you can fight the aging process, especially your brain health!

Let’s break down the “hows” behind how dancing can fight aging and boost your brain power for life! Here are some facts and figures:

fight aging1. Dancing is an extremely fun form of exercise, which can, in general, slow down the brain’s aging process.



fight aging2. But why dancing? According to the study, both dancing and endurance training can help, as they both promote a sense of balance in the body, and in turn, the brain!


fight aging

3. Speaking of the brain, the hippocampus is the area of the brain responsible for memory, learning and, you guessed it – balance! The better you can maintain your balance as you get older, the higher the chance your brain will stay strong and fight against potential Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis.


fight aging

4. Dancing is also an amazing way to mix things up when it comes up staying active, given that there are so many dance styles and genres of music you can dance to that require thousands of various routines, arm motions, steps, and even speeds. Memorizing these patterns is extremely beneficial to your brain!

What if I can’t dance well, or my loved one is embarrassed to do it with me? Well, just think about how easy it is to lose yourself in your favorite song. Crank up your favorite tunes and don’t think about how silly you both may look. Nothing matters as long as you’re having fun!



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